Here are links to breeders I've bought from and goat related sites.
Brassring Farm. TN. Lisa has beautiful goats in all colors. Celestial, Jewel, Charm, Gilly & Virgil came from her. Thanks Lisa, I'm sure I'll be seeing you again ;-)
Westwind Acres. IN. Tammy raises silkies and fainting goats. They are very impressive!
Scape Goats Ranch. KY. Lisa has silkies, nigerians and fainters. Nice selection of color & goats.
Navilleton's Extraordinary Animals. IN. Kristie raises fainters.
Bar T Ranch. LA. Tammy has fainters and bought three does from me.
Patchwork Acres. GA. Angela has the bigger fainters and her son does website and logo work.
Faint Hearted Ranch. CA. Jess is the breeder I got Pizzaz from.
Goatfinder. A free goat classified listing site for all breeds of goats.
Best Farm Buys. Another free classified listing for anything to do with farms/livestock.
Craigslist. A great free site to list your goats.
Please remember when you list on free sites not to include any personal info about yourself or your farm and screen buyers carefully.
MGR website.
IFGA website.
MSFGA website.
Top Hat Pet Supply. They have alot of great products for pets and also have new and improved de-icers for plastic and metal tanks, in 250, 500, 750, 1000 & 1500 watt sizes, so no more having to use a 1500 watt de-icer in a 50 gallon tank!